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Day 1: Opening Ceremony

Day 1 Practice

In today's practice, we gathered as sisters to set our intentions, invoke the goddess Demeter, and practice together.  If you couldn't attend live, you can watch it right here. 


Share Your Intentions

Share your intentions for the training with the community in our private Facebook group. Our intentions become a reality when we share them with the world. 


Tomorrow's Practice

Tomorrow there will be a 25-minute yoga practice. Make sure to carve out the time, get your mat, and move your body. I'll see you there sister!



Training Workbook

Upcoming Live Calls

Attend live for a chance to win a hardcover copy of my book, The Goddess Solution!

Friday, Oct. 8th, 2 PM EST

  • Check-in & Q&A

  • Group pranayama 

  • Dinacharya training

Sunday, Oct. 10th, 2 PM EST

  • Closing Ceremony

  • Workshop: 6 Keys to Unlocking Your Inner Goddess

  • Goddess Gift Basket Giveaway

  • Celebration

"Some say the soul informs the body. But what if we were to imagine for a moment that the body informs the soul..." ~Clarissa Pinkola Estés
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